“In perpetuity”, an idiom which means “for all time” or “forever”. Used in a sentence; When Verizon carelessly disconnected an elderly couple’s Internet for 8 days, and offered them pennies for their pain, they never expected the couple’s complaint to end up on the Blockchain, where their story would live in perpetuity.
Verizon may be hoping that the pain and anguish they caused my wife and I will soon be forgotten, and that we will tire of complaining and just give up. Well, that’s just not going to happen.
I recently celebrated my 64th birthday, four months to the day, upon which Verizon put us through Hell for 8 days when they disconnected our FIOS Internet. While it is indeed true that Time does heal all wounds, the same can not be said about responsibility. Verizon will always be responsible for the careless act that plunged us into Internet darkness.
So that Verizon doesn’t forget what they did to us, I have decided to do something rather unusual. I have decided to place our Verizon story on the Blockchain! I understand that many of you are wondering what the Blockchain is. If you are interested you can Google it. For the purpose of this post I will just describe the Blockchain as a ledger, the contents of which are permanent. You accounting types will understand.
If you have been following my Instagram and Pinterest posts about our Verizon story, you may be interested in knowing that many of those brief posts will be “minted” as collectible NFTs, also on the Blockchain. I now own two “Blockchain” addresses, “SAYNOTOVERIZON.NFT” and “VERIZONUNPLUGGEDME.NFT”. I’m not sure which one I will use, but I am leaning toward the second one.
It is my belief that businesses, small and large, who routinely engage in illicit or abusive behavior do so knowing that most of us will just give up the fight for justice and fairness, and will eventually succumb to exhaustion or financial ruin just to be fairly compensated for the wrong that was done.
How many times have we been told to “never forget” the atrocities of war, or terrorism, or our countries plethora of mass shootings. If you truly understand what it is to “never forget”, then you’ll understand why I will never forget what Verizon did to my wife and I.
Verizon wants me to forget. Verizon wants me to stop talking about it. But thanks to technology, our story, and warning to prospective Verizon customers will have a permanent place to exist “In perpetuity”, thanks to the “Blockchain”.