
T-Mobile Issue — Reprint From Nextdoor Neighborhood Portal

A neighbor who read my post on our Nextdoor Neighborhood portal suggested that I repost on this website, to get this issue more exposure.  So here is that post.

T-Mobile says, “We’re doing this all for you”

Imagine this. One morning you wake up, log into your personal computer, and discover that your Internet connection is so slow that doing anything online is nearly impossible.

You call the Internet provider, only to find out that the Internet company has begun work to enhance their service, and that the work may last 1 to 2 weeks.

You begin to panic. You work from home, you have a series of telemedicine appointments, and you take online classes, all of which require access to the Internet, not in 1 to 2 weeks, but now, today.

The Internet provider never notified their customers of their plans to do maintenance. They never informed anyone about the impact their maintenance would have. You can’t go to your neighbor’s house to share their Internet—because all of T-Mobile’s customers, in your area, are affected! Oh those lucky Comcast and Verizon subscribers!

This is a scenario that just never should have happened. There was nothing wrong with the Internet service. It wasn’t broken. The Internet company wanted to “modernize” it. So one day they woke up early in the morning, and without telling a soul, they began to wreak havoc all over the community.

I don’t know why something like this doesn’t make the local or national news, but this exact scenario is taking place right now in Thorndale, Pennsylvania. The Internet company is T-Mobile. While lives are being adversely affected by their unnecessary maintenance, all T-Mobile will tell its customers about the outage is “It will be over soon”, and “you’ll appreciate what we’re doing for you”.

T-Mobile plans to do this all over Pennsylvania. Shouldn’t someone at T-Mobile give us a heads up before they begin tinkering with the services we’re paying for?

If you’ve been considering T-Mobile’s 5G Home Internet, perhaps now is not the best time. I think both the product, and T-Mobile’s attitude towards its customers, needs a little more time to mature.

Spread the word!

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